Dr Mohamed Abu Al Nagah Clinic
Weight loss 10 kg

Bikini Line Gastric Sleeve

Obesity has now become one of the most common diseases of the age, and it does not differentiate between old and young, or a man and a woman. It is a disease like any other disease that affects humans due to several reasons, including:
-Overeating causes obesity and weight gain.
-Lack of movement leads to obesity and weight gain.
-Eating fast foods that contain large calories of saturated fats.
-Eating excessive amounts of sugars and starches that lead to weight gain and obesity.
-Irregular exercise leads to sagging of the body, the accumulation of fat in certain areas, and the body may reach obesity in the long run.
-If the pregnant woman is not willing on eating useful foods, she will gain weight during pregnancy and maybe obese after pregnancy and childbirth.
-An imbalance in the secretions of the thyroid gland that are responsible for increasing the metabolic rate of the body may lead to weight gain and obesity.

What are the most famous bariatric surgeries to get rid of obesity?
As we previously agreed that obesity is a disease, it must be eliminated to obtain a healthy life and good health, but some people resort to traditional methods to get rid of obesity such as avoiding foods that contain a lot of fat, Harmful carbohydrates, and sugars as well, so the body begins to lose weight, but will the person always follow this, or will he become bored and return to unhealthy eating habits and return what he lost in weight?  A closed circle has no first or last, the first of which is obesity and the last of which is overweight.
Others depend on exercise in losing weight and getting rid of obesity, and this is a successful and effective way if one follow it for the rest of his life with a healthy diet, and the question also remains: Do you have the ability and will to follow a healthy diet and exercise for the rest of life?
Not all people are the same, some can adhere to these traditional ways and others do not have that ability so Bariatric surgeries are an ideal solution for those who want to lose excess weight and get rid of obesity quickly, effectively, and also safely.

Are there any safe options in bariatric surgeries?
Yes, there are different types of bariatric surgeries suitable for all cases of obesity and overweight, and the most important of these types are:
-Gastric Sleeve surgery.
-Gastric Bypass Surgery.
-SASI surgery.
-Redo bariatric surgeries.
-The Smart Programmed Capsule.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery? And what is the main objective of performing it?
Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most popular and most common types of Bariatric surgeries because the bariatric surgeon cuts a large part of the size of the stomach and this part contains the hormone responsible for hunger, Therefore, after the gastric sleeve surgery, the size of the stomach decreases, hunger also decreases, and the person begins to feel full with small amounts of food, and this leads to a rapid and safe weight loss.

What is a Bikini Line Gastric sleeve surgery?
The bikini line gastric sleeve surgery has made a breakthrough in the world of bariatric surgeries and among other gastric sleeve surgeries, as it has proven its effectiveness in not showing any surgical incisions in the abdominal area, but with two small incisions that do not exceed 1 cm on the bikini line and they are quickly healed due to their small size and Thus, the patient enjoys an ideal weight without any visible surgical incisions or marks that may worsen her appearance.

What are the steps of a Bikini Line Gastric Sleeve surgery?
Bariatric surgeon makes a small incision in the umbilicus area to insert the camera and also from the same hole a part of the stomach is taken out, then two very small holes are made not exceeding 1 cm on the bikini line to insert the laparoscopic tools, and after cutting a large part of the stomach, the incisions are closed, The surgical procedure is safe, so it does not appear visible after this technique, but rather it is quickly healed due to its small size, which does not exceed 1 cm.

Is a Bikini Line Gastric sleeve surgery considered cosmetic surgery?
Every woman who cares about her appearance inside and out always looks for the best in everything. Some women suffer from obesity and are overweight, but they do not prefer bariatric surgeries, so a bikini line gastric sleeve is a suitable surgery as they do not have any visible marks or scars in the body after the surgery. so some people called it the Bikini Line cosmetic gastric sleeve surgery. 

What are the most important factors that must be considered for the success of bariatric surgeries?
-The most important and biggest factor for the success of various obesity operations is the experience and skill of the bariatric surgeon in performing these surgeries to ensure obtaining distinctive and safe results.
-Also, the tools and techniques used in various bariatric surgeries by the bariatric surgeon must be safe, clean, and with modern technology to facilitate the process and the appearance of results impressively and safely.
-The patient is also an essential factor in the success of bariatric surgery and obtaining the required results, so the patient must follow the instructions and advice of the bariatric surgeon before and after the bariatric surgery.
-The assistant medical team of the bariatric surgeon must have sufficient knowledge and skill to obtain the best results after bariatric surgeries and to ensure safety in every step taken by them inside the operating room.
-The hospital in which the bariatric surgeon performs various bariatric surgeries must be on a level of hygiene and safety and also equipped with the latest international equipment, to give the surgeon all he needs from a healthy and safe environment to obtain the best results after the surgery.
-Labs and medical x-rays in which the patient performs all the medical tests and x-rays required by the bariatric surgeon must be at a level of confidence and safety to obtain the most accurate results from the tests and x-rays required before and after bariatric surgeries.